Monday, April 2, 2012

supreme court

The Supreme Court

The supreme court was designed by slave masters, these were the first parasite beast in America. Hence the primary purpose of the supreme court is to protect the minority, from being overwhelmed by the majority.

Who was the minority?

Was it the native Americans?

Was it black people?

Was it the Spanish people?

No! No! No!

It was to protect himself the parasite beast. The beast is the 1% of slave masters. Do not believe that the slaves are just black people. The white people who were managing the slaves were slave themselves, but they did not know.

Even today the uneducated white still do not realize that they too are slaves to the parasite beast.

The quickest ruling I have seen by the supreme court, overnight when the court was supposed to be closed, yet it found time to rule on the Florida recount.

This changed history for two hundred and fifty million people, without any regard for their vote.

This was the most catastrophic decision ever made, by replacing All Gore with George Bush.

The result of it is 911, war in Afghanistan, Iraq, collapse of the economy, and destroying the goodwill of the American name.

Regardless what you might believe they did the job that they were elected to do. They performed their job excellently.

Who gained by this decision?

The parasite beast gained overwhelmingly:

The bombs, planes, guns, food, medicine, all produce tremendous profits for the parasite beast.

The maimed solders and mentally disabled is also a source of profit for the beast.

Collapse of the economy, also produce great profit. They get to buy your home when it goes into foreclosure, for pennies on the dollar and rent it back to you.

People have to work for less as jobs become scarce, some have to do three jobs just to keep their heads above the water.

The parasite beast has his money in the Cayman Island, Swiss banks, paintings, foreign companies.

This makes their wealth safe and immune in foreign nations, and currencies.

You the ordinary worker with your savings account now get no interest on your money. You do not have enough money to visit the Cayman Islands on vacation much less open an account there.

The little money you saved is used up on cost of living increases and inflation, this is retroactive taxation by parasite beast. They go into your savings that you worked so hard for.

If a parasite beast even make a mistake and and loose, do not worry they are too big to fail, your taxes will go up so that the government can bail them out, using your taxes, your labor.

All the benefits of this supreme court decision to overthrow the elected leader and install George Bush went to the parasite beast. All the sorrows went to the working people and the soldiers.

The supreme court is now called upon to overthrow the health care plan.

The plan which was voted into law by the legitimately elected congress.

If they have the power to overthrow the elected government, why spend so much money to campaign and elect congress and senate, and all this voting farce.

The supreme court could just run the country directly and when they get rich enough just appoint new members and retire in glory.

How is it the government can force people to buy car insurance, but not health insurance ??

The parasite beast already crippled the health insurance bill in any case, because it is not a single payer system, thanks to Jo Libelman the war monger.

So all of this is an overkill it should not even have been brought to the court in the first place.

The supreme court judges have good health care and all the luxuries of life.

If you are a bus drive and make a mistake, killing some people, you will go to prison.

If a supreme court judge makes a mistake in decision, it is called an opinion, you cannot punish a man for his opinion.

It is quite okay to punish two hundred and fifty million people for one mans opinion though.

If we do not move to a single payer system we will not be able to compete on the world stage because the cost of health care will force most companies to move overseas. Again the parasite beast will again profit because they own the companies, and they will get cheap labor overseas.

The parasite beast wins anyway it goes.

Give President Obama 4 more years with enough members in the congress and senate to overcome the republican implanted democrats and pass the laws.

As long as the parasite beast can buy the government in advance, we can never have a government by the people and for the people.

If we do not stop the parasite beast now, global warming will stop them, and us and the whole world.

We need to move to a zero growth economy now before it is too late, or the parasite beast will turn our world into the planet Venus, desolate and uninhabitable.

This is a time when greed is not good.

Unuseminucum 4/2/2012

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